Kaylan's Chaleur D'Allure
"Anya (Orange Girl)"
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Anya gets ready to head home with Carol & Don
Morris, Allure Belgian Sheepdogs,
Mountain Ranch, California.
Anya looking pretty. What else?
Anya went out on her first track November 18, just
under 9 weeks of age. She's watching her track being laid.
There she goes, on her way to her TDX...and YES, she
found her glove!

Photos above are from November 20 - 23. Carol
didn't "plan" for Anya to join her cousin, Fae, in the agility jumping sequence, but Kayla
managed to catch her trying to act like one of the big dogs. (Great
photos, Kayla!) She's with Fae in the top row, too.

At 10-1/2 weeks of age she's already retrieving a
dumbbell and sitting in front long enough for Don to take it from her!

I'm so jealous of the wonderful weather in
California. As Don & Carol work with Anya outside in the sunshine, those
of us in Washington are either dealing with snow or flooding. Anya is just
adorable in these baby jumping photos.