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Belgian Sheepdogs

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Flame's 2006 Litter

Anya Tory
Kruise Tricky


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Kaylan's Torrid Affair
"Tory (Blue Boy)"

Page updated 08/06/2015     Click on any photo to see a larger image.

Tory is staying with us and he seems pretty cool with the whole thing. 

Tory joined us at Alda & Luckie Weaver's house for Thanksgiving dinner.  He got to meet his Aunt Stella & Aunt Rain, as well as the Weaver cats!

Tory is a very handsome boy.  Photo taken 11/24/06 -- almost 9 weeks of age. 

Today (11/26/06) we went to visit Stephanie, Bob, Daniel, Tyler and Crystal.  Great Grandpa Tyler & Tory share their love of the camera (ears up!) while Tory's Aunt Crystal refuses to cooperate (ears wise).  We all think she was worried that Tory might be "moving in" and she'd have to share her family with the puppy!  Tory also got to meet Daniel's friend, Pat, while we were there.

Tory is a delightful puppy -- uppity at times, but that's normal for this age.  He is old enough to be out in the yard with his mom & Grandmother (with supervision, of course) and enjoys chasing after them as they play Frisbee.  He is a hearty eater, currently eating 1 cup of food, three times a day, and like Tyler, Tory has an affinity for carrying around his metal food dish.   Ears are starting to stand straight up at times, instead of tipping together in the middle of his head.  Amazingly, he still tries to nurse from time to time, and even more amazing -- Flame allows it!


The top two photos were taken on December 1.  The bottom photos were taken on December 3, at about 11 weeks of age.  Tory enjoys time in the yard with mom and grandma.