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Last update:
September 9, 2002
Ch. Kaylan's
Crystal Persuasion
Click on photos with borders to see larger images.
finished her CHAMPIONSHIP on August 15, 2002 (above left), handled by
breeder/owner, Kathy Lang. On June 30, 2002 (above right), Crystal earned
a 4 point major handled by her friend and professional handler, Elaine Hopper.

Seattle Kennel Club's February 2002 Show
included Best Bred-By Exhibitor competition. Crystal was Best Bred-by
Belgian Sheepdog at just 9 months of age, AND she went on to WIN A GROUP 2 in
the Bred-by HERDING GROUP, competing against many adult dogs (top left).
In the photo at right she's pictured with her dad, Baccarre' and sisters Rain
& Crystal, also taken at Seattle KC by Family Tree Photography.
January 25, 2002
July 22
June 28
June 28