

About Kathy


Belgian Sheepdogs

Upcoming Litters


Flame's 2006 Litter

Anya Tory
Kruise Tricky


Keeper's 2001 Litter
















German Shepherd Dogs

Portuguese Water Dogs

Wedding 2005




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Whelp Development Chart

Excerpted from the wonderful book, Canine Reproduction, by Phillis A. Holst, MS, DVM, this is a fascinating summary of prenatal development. 

Following the "Average Day Post-Breeding" number is the estimated date, based on the date of Flame's last breeding (July 21, 2006).

Average Day Post-Breeding Stage of Development
1 (July 21) In estrust, pre-ovulation.
2 (July 22) Ovulation, primary oocyte.
3 (July 23) Primary oocytes have moved to distal portion of oviduct, meiosis is occurring.
4 (July 24) Secondary oocytes ready for fertilization.
5 (July 25) Fertilization occurs.
6 (July 26) First cleavage division of ovum begins.
7 (July 27) Two-cell embryo in oviduct.
8 (July 28) Four-cell embryo; going out of heat.
9 (July 29) 8-16 cells in a cluster.
10 (July 30) 16-32 cells, a morula.
11 (July 31) 32-64 cell morula enters the uterus.
12-18 (Aug 1-7) Blastocyst forms, floating free in uterus.  Individual blastocysts become spaced evenly along horns of uterus.  Grow from 1/4 mm to 2 mm in diameter.
19 (Aug 8) Implantation begins.  Uterine response in a bandlike area around each embryo, suggesting the shape of the placenta that is developing for each embryo.
20 (Aug 9) Embryo body begins to take form as a linear thickening of cells, the primitive streak.
21 (Aug 10) Primitive body segments, or somites, begin to take form.
22 (Aug 11) Ten or more somites have formed.  Primitive brain and spinal cord growing.  Head portion of embryo bends forward.
23-25 (Aug 12-15) Limb buds form, embryo grows in length from 5 to 10 mm.
26 (Aug 16) Limb buds paddlelike, 11 mm.   Swellings along uterus at site of each implantation may be large enough to palpate for pregnancy detection.
27 (Aug 17) Eyes begin to have pigment in retina, body taking form, face taking shape.  Keeper is due to have her ultrasound.
28 (Aug 18) Facial features more defined, individual nipples are seen, 14-55 mm in length.
29 (Aug 19) Toes take shape, whisker buds are visible, umbilical cord forms, 18 mm long.
30-32 (Aug 20-22) Differentiation of detail of face & limbs until facial features are definitely doglike.  22 mm in length, 1 gram (1/30 oz.) weight.
33 (Aug 23) Male/female sexual characteristics can be differentiated.  24 mm in length.
34 (Aug 24) Digits & claws are differentiated.  Eyelids, which are at first open, close.  30 mm in length, 2 grams weight.
35-40 (Aug 25-30) Growth & differentiation of external and internal details.  Reaches 45 mm in length and 6 grams in weight.  Skin pigment begins to be visible.
41-63 (Aug 31-Sept 20) Further growth and differentiation of the fetus.  Puppies typically born between days 59-63.