

About Kathy


Belgian Sheepdogs

Upcoming Litters


Flame's 2006 Litter

Anya Tory
Kruise Tricky


Keeper's 2001 Litter
















German Shepherd Dogs

Portuguese Water Dogs

Wedding 2005




Email Kathy



Click here to see the Puppies' Growth Chart.  This chart will be updated as often as possible to reflect the puppies' weights.

Click on any thumbnail photo to see a larger version.

July 5 (61 days old):

All the puppies survived their first Fourth of July (actually, none of them paid any attention to the noisemakers that went off in the neighborhood -- which is GOOD).   In fact, I only ever had one dog that was bothered by fireworks and that was my first German Shepherd, Schafer.   Some kids threw firecrackers over the fence when he was young, and he had a hard time with the Fourth for the rest of his 11 years.   His bad experience taught me to NEVER leave my dogs unattended in the back yard, even for a few minutes when you're home, during the Fourth of July.

Alda Weaver Gold B 07 05 01.JPG (170394 bytes)    Alda Weaver Gold 07 05 01.JPG (153885 bytes)

Miss Gold left on July 5 to live with Alda & Luckie Weaver, their two 14 year old Shelties and their two felines.

Cathy Horrocks Dk Blue 07 05 01.JPG (190891 bytes)    Cathy Horrocks Dk Blue B 07 05 01.JPG (156291 bytes)

Mr. Dark Blue also departed on July 5, going to live with Cathy Horrocks and her human, canine and feline family members.

July 1 (57 days old):

Click here to see updated puppy pages!   See new head shots and profiles of beautiful puppies learning to stack on the grooming table!

Hill_Family_Light_Blue_07_01_01.JPG (133645 bytes)    Anita__Grant_Pastel_07_01_01.JPG (194067 bytes)

The first two puppies left for their new homes on July 1!   Congratulations to the Hill Family with the addition of Mr. Light Blue (left), and to Anita & Grant Fredricks as Miss Pastel joins the Blumoon Schipperke pack!

Tired Lt Blue 07 01 01.JPG (124906 bytes)    Tired Puppies 07 01 01.JPG (141775 bytes)

A tired puppy is a good puppy (above)!   This is the gang just before their new owners arrived to pick them up!