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Week Five Flame Puppies

Last Update 08/06/2015

Pregnancy Whelping & Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Weight Chart

 Friday, October 20, 2006 -- Day 32


This was a very exciting week for all the puppies.  They came to work with me as I taught my Wednesday night and all day Thursday classes. Students enjoyed seeing them for the first time and the puppies had fun playing, sleeping and eating.  Before classes started everyone had the opportunity to explore outside their x-pen and it's very interesting to see how the puppies respond to the freedom.  Only Purple Girl is a little bit tentative; everyone else was happy to venture up to 50 feet away and then check back in with me or Flame.  Purple Girl takes a minute to check out new situations (whereas the others don't) but then she's into the fray along with everyone else.  I'm not sure if this is just a phase or her basic personality.   She is certainly uppity and pushy and friendly like her brothers and sister, it's just her first exposure to a new environment.

Flame handled the experience very well.  She was in her own x-pen next to the puppies for most of the time.  About every 2 to 3 hours I let her into nurse and check out her kids.  There were so many distractions the puppies weren't too interested in eating much mush, however.  It was much more fun to play, wonder about all the various sounds, etc.   Keeper and Journey were thrilled to get out of the house and back to work as demo dogs for the classes.

On Wednesday afternoon Cathy came to work early and helped me get some of the first individual table shots of the puppies.  Here they are in all their glory!  They're not professionals yet, but they're on their way!  Photos are from Weds. Oct. 18 -- Day 30.

Green Boy:


Teal Blue Boy:


Orange Girl:


Yellow Boy:


Purple Girl:


Sunday, October 22, 2006 -- Day 34



From let to right (photos above):   1) Blue Boy and me; 2) Green Boy; 3)  Stephanie and the gang; 4) & 5):  Puppies, puppies & more puppies;
6) thru 8) Great Grandpa and his great grandchildren.

The puppies and I took another road trip to Stephanie's house.  Photos above are courtesy of Stephanie and her wonderful digital camera.  Everyone had a wonderful time.

Later in the day we had more visitors come see us at home:  Steve Horton stopped by for a couple of hours.  Flame adores Steve as he visited her and her littermates several time when they were very, very young and he's one of our training buddies.  Mary Berry, another wonderful friend of mine and Flame's, also came by for a puppy fix.  Yes, we were all tired by Sunday night, but it was good week with lots of good experiences!